Table of Contents
Personal 1997 (first edition) ix
Personal 2022 (second edition) xii
Introduction 1
How This Book is Put Together 7
1 Origins of the Earth 11
2 Origins of Life 21
3 How Life Works 41
4 How an Organism Works 63
5 How Evolution Works 75
6 The Evolution of Biodiversity 87
7 Awareness and the I-Self 101
8 Interpretations and Feelings 123
9 Sex 135
10 Intimacy 147
11 Multicellularity and Death 157
12 Human Evolution 167
13 Human Morality and Ecomorality 187
Epilogue: Emergent Religious Principles 211
The Religious Naturalist Orientation 219
Endnotes 1: Legends for Cover Image and Chapter Frontispieces 227
Endnotes 2: References and Further Reading/Resources 231
Index 249